In the 1990s, I did a large painting of our county fair pie contest.
I took a picture of this painting and printed it on June Tailor Colorfast Fabric for Inkjet Printers. I left the backing paper on while I touched up the acrylic paint and re-inked the picture. Then, I removed the backing paper and sewed on strips of fabric plus rick-rack to complete the top.
I used all scraps for the backing and completed a memory piece for my table topper rack.
The little pie was hand carved from wood by a good friend and I borrowed one of my daughter’s miniature blue ribbons for this display.
In 1995, I had used a version of this painting to make a floor cloth for my daughter. It has been in constant use since that time and I’m going to freshen the paint and apply another couple coats of clear acrylic so it will be bright for a few more years.
In 1993, the original design was on a sweatshirt which won a blue ribbon at our county fair and at the Ohio State Fair.
My inspiration for the sketch was my first pie contest in 1983. The story is posted here.
As hectic, hot and tiring as the experience was, it stands out in my memory as one of the highlights of my life.
My oldest daughter, who was there at the time and has entered contests herself, has a delightful poem about pie contests on her blog.